Thursday, May 24, 2007


好久沒有很痛快的看中文書了,每次到China Town的世界書局,看到那幾本舊舊髒髒書,選擇又少又貴到令人咋舌,買書看書的好興致就少了大半。這回從博客來一口氣訂了十多本書,應該可以擋一陣子了。雖然還是很貴,但真的很快,等所有的書到到貨就寄出,然後UPS「隔天」就送到了,真的是隔天哩!貴死人不償命的運費果然有它的道理。拿到書後,馬上這本也翻一翻、那本也翻一翻,感覺就像一夕暴富的窮人興奮得把鈔票拋上天。爽!要不是明天要上班,真想通宵達旦的看書呀。

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Science of Sleep (戀愛夢遊中)

I saw this movie on DVD today. It was awesome; I liked it very much. The director Michel Gondry was the same director as "Eternal sunshine on a spotless mind". I like the magical world and the romantic affairs happened between two creative young minds illustrated in the movie.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Jaw-dropping Bill

The bills of going to the ER two weeks ago came, two bills total $2000. This is too much if one did not have insurance. The quality of hospital is great, but still a jaw-dropping moment for me when first seeing the bill.