Today Ying introduced this video to me. An HCI professor in CMU gave his talk which is very inspiring. It is important not to forget or give up the dream we have.
Links to the video, and his website.
When you see a hat being put upside-down, what would you expect to be pulled out from it? Remember, magic is limited only by the imagination of the magician!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
The Science of Sleep (戀愛夢遊中)
I saw this movie on DVD today. It was awesome; I liked it very much. The director Michel Gondry was the same director as "Eternal sunshine on a spotless mind". I like the magical world and the romantic affairs happened between two creative young minds illustrated in the movie.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
The Jaw-dropping Bill
The bills of going to the ER two weeks ago came, two bills total $2000. This is too much if one did not have insurance. The quality of hospital is great, but still a jaw-dropping moment for me when first seeing the bill.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Bought a sofa finally.
Letting the apartment be empty for more almost an year, we finally decided to buy a couch. We went to the furniture stores near exit99 and literally went into all of them. We decide to buy a $350 sofa bed, which will be delivered on Wednesday. Good~
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Finally got my Devil's picturebook
After more than 40 days since I ordered it, my 'Devil's picture book' finally arrived. Together with 'Absoluted Magic' and 'Pure effect' that are already in my library, it made my collection of Derren Brown's work complete. I am looking forward to see it. I went to play basketball this evening with the TSA guys after a long time without doing any physical exercise. When I got home, I was exhaustedly tired...
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
我在公司帶一個Project,Team的成員包括在德國的合約公司的兩個工程師. 一月Oliver從德國來亞特蘭大出差三個禮拜,前幾天不經意聊到星期五(1/19)是他的生日。為了讓在異鄉的他高興,我偷偷訂了蛋糕,邀請了一些跟他熟識的同事給他生日的驚喜。
老闆和很多同事劈頭就對我說:Good job! good Team Building! The company can reimburse the cake.
過生日就過生日,Team Building個屁呀。
誰說沒人記得你的生日? 生日打開email一定會收到的一籮筐機器寄出的制式信。汽車公司、信用卡公司、會員卡公司...。
對我而言,記得一個人的生日,是珍重一個交情,是分享和祝福,是表達心意的機會。為一個人慶生,Team Building 最多可以算是bonus,但不應該是動機,否則就流於廉價虛矯。
我的生日願望是永遠不要變成看到有人幫別人慶生劈頭就說Good Team building 的人。
我在公司帶一個Project,Team的成員包括在德國的合約公司的兩個工程師. 一月Oliver從德國來亞特蘭大出差三個禮拜,前幾天不經意聊到星期五(1/19)是他的生日。為了讓在異鄉的他高興,我偷偷訂了蛋糕,邀請了一些跟他熟識的同事給他生日的驚喜。
老闆和很多同事劈頭就對我說:Good job! good Team Building! The company can reimburse the cake.
過生日就過生日,Team Building個屁呀。
誰說沒人記得你的生日? 生日打開email一定會收到的一籮筐機器寄出的制式信。汽車公司、信用卡公司、會員卡公司...。
對我而言,記得一個人的生日,是珍重一個交情,是分享和祝福,是表達心意的機會。為一個人慶生,Team Building 最多可以算是bonus,但不應該是動機,否則就流於廉價虛矯。
我的生日願望是永遠不要變成看到有人幫別人慶生劈頭就說Good Team building 的人。
Monday, January 15, 2007
20000 Miles
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
這次旅行到了邁阿密, 夜晚十一點, 當大半的城市已逐漸睡去時, 海岸邊還有一群觀眾一個舞台還有一個樂團盡情地演奏拉丁風情. 觀眾熱情的回應, 舞台前很多小朋友大方的隨著強烈的節奏擺動, 舞台側邊不遠的地方一對中年夫妻吸引我的眼睛, 就著夜色兩個人旁若無人的相擁而舞 親吻, 彷彿海風, 夜色, 樂聲, 人群整個場景都是為了他們而設計的.
想起小時後看到過的廣告, 廣告的產品是一種統一250 c.c. 鋁箔包飲料好像叫做心情故事, 印象中的畫面顏色調性是灰灰藍藍的, 從房內往門外看有郵差的腳踏車經過,配上女聲口白. 很有味道. 剛找了一下找不到影片了 可是找到了口白文字:
自從爺爺去世後 , 好久沒看到奶奶那麼高興 . 每天下午 , 奶奶都興奮的在樓下等著郵差送信來 . 然後拿了掛號信後就躲在房間裡到很晚才肯出來 . 問奶奶是誰寄來的 , 為什麼每天都有人寫信給她 . 奶奶就是不肯說 . 昨天 , 我忍不住偷偷的到奶奶的房間 , 打開這些信 . 原來是奶奶把以前爺爺寫給她的情書 , 又一封一封的寄給自己 …
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