Friday, December 15, 2006


前一陣子太忙亂了 都沒跟大家報告


上禮拜從公司趕去學校的路上, 明明車很多, 大家都開差不多快, 一個上坡轉下坡 很專心的在晃神的我, 完全沒注意到有一隻測速槍對著 (想說只是另一隻狗仔 被偷拍也不是第一次), 其他人都超會演的 馬上假裝開的很慢 只有我雖千萬元吾往矣, 當場被逮個正著.

還不知道多少錢 罰單上寫的是法院見
(也不一定要去啦 如果願意放棄把黑的說成白的的機會 就可以不用去), 據我同事說該警察的簽名至少價值三百元現大洋(當然是美金), 還外送保費提高好幾年, 真是...OOXX, 還好我過二十五歲了 否則好像會更貴

回想起 以前被開過的罰單

第一張罰單 大學的時候 才剛會開車 跟爸爸借車就開上高速公路, 跟lyee等人去六福村玩在高速公路上拍了一張三千元的大頭貼, 拿到罰單還不敢講 偷偷去把繳掉.

第二次 好像是騎摩托車 要跟跆拳道社/隊 聚餐, 忘記是誰打電話給我, 我騎上人行道接電話再騎下去就被開張違規行駛人行道.

不過也好啦 照很多人的說法, 我真的開太快了, 花錢買個教訓 應該至少會有一陣子會開比較慢了


Monday, November 13, 2006

The Prestige

以魔術師為題材的電影很少, 今年竟然就出現了兩部, 兩部都推薦!
The illusionist (台灣還未上?)
The Prestige 頂尖對決

The illusionist 比較浪漫,片中有角色那種自以為很聰明的觀眾,讓人看了會心一笑, 個人很欣賞愛德華諾頓演的魔術師角色的氣質。

The Prestige的感覺佈局更為機巧,加入科學和魔術的reflection,講故事有記憶拼圖的味道(Christopher Nolan) 讓人看了還想重看一次,但是把魔術師講的太壞啦.希望不要有人看了之後而討厭魔術.

兩片的時代背景都不是現代,共同點是看完之後都會覺得魔術師心機很重. ;-) 兩部片裡面都穿插了一些魔術歷史裡的經典,像是橘子樹 口接子彈 等. 推薦一本書,對魔術的歷史有興趣的人可以參考: Hiding the Elephant. 作者Jim Steinmeyer就是設計自由女神消失的那位仁兄


Sunday, August 13, 2006


一大早五點多 開車到機場
這幾天,帶著他去買雜貨 鍋碗瓢盆....

兩年了耶~ 真快呀
腦海中浮現 電影"愛是您愛是我"的片頭片尾



Wednesday, May 31, 2006












Saturday, May 13, 2006

Howl's Moving Castle

5/6/2006 Sat. We watched "Howl's Moving Castle". Very different from the popular CG style Animations created by American Studios, Hayao Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle presents a magical story in a fairytale style. I love many of Hayao Miyazaki's works a lot, for example, the classics: My friend Totoro, Kiki's delivery service. His works is not that straighforward thus evokes some thinking. As already presented in the previous work, Hayao pictured a world without war and pollution. It is a little weird to see the scenario of the movie in a late 1800s european city. But it feels fitted to the fairytale very well. As a strong contrast to the debut of modern technology showed by the steam vehicles and other machines or craft used in the war, "magic" is the power beneath the steel components, for example the moving castle was powered by fire demon Calcifer. And all the other magical thing that machine can do. However, more important is still the heart of human, who should be the lord of all these magic. Sophie was turned into a old lady by magic, but because of her heart, the way she face it shows the heart has power over magic. Another very important feature of Hayao Miyazaki's movies is the music, the music of Howl's Moving Castle was made by 久石讓, who is also the author of the Kikujiro no natsu.

Last, Ying found some funny thing about Howl's Moving Castle: the ten things Howl's Moving Castle teaches us.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Good night and Good luck

Friday night, Ying and I rent a DVD - Good night and Good luck directed by George Cloney. There were too many vocabulary we didn't understand, which made us not able to appreciate the movie very much. I rent this one because I read a piece news on UDN introducing this moive. It was reported that George collateralize his house (for 7.5 million USD) to start the movie. He said otherwise he won't have a good thing to left for human beings when he is 70. I admire such personality.

Japanese Dinner

Because of the MJ games we played for the past semester, we have collected a good amount of fund. So every body went for a dinner in a Japanese restaurant near Westin at buckhead. I believe I was there with Jaey, Lee, and Jaey's elder sister on Christmas 2004. The food was great. I had pork-don.

Interview experience

Our Team is going to recruit a new co-op during the summer. On Friday, a guy came for a on-site interview. My boss asked me join the interview. It was a extraordinary experience one can have I considered. His name is Clement and he is from France. During the interview, Vadim, ZY, and Madhav was there. Cement presented the project he did with he did his co-op in Phillips Research, Netherland. It was using Labview to enhance the infra-red photos in assisting medical usages. We also showed him around. After he finished and while he was waiting for the cab, I talked to him about the european ways (in education, in working). He said people he met there also get flexible working hours. However, they come in early and leave as early as 5 o'clock. Talking about education, he said it is more theoretical there (more practical in US). We also talked about some other things. It is good to talk to people from different countries. He seems to be very enthusiastic about the exploring his experience. He said he eagerly joined the activities he could find here. I need to do the same thing.Anyway, this experience, made me know more about what the people in the other side of the interview table thinks. I took notes on it. For example I think: 1. It is a good to go through the Resume when they ask you to introduce yourself. Not all the interviewer have checked them. Assume they know nothing. Point out those need further explanations 2. How knowledgable you are is a important question. The employer want to know how fast you can pick up the work. 3. Do not care too much about the facial expressions, they may be frowny only because they always do. 4. Ask questions, to the manager. They may try to show they know much. 5. Ask for advice from junior employee (me) for the interview if you get a chance to talk to him. 6. Tell stories.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Kuan's Dinner

in Sunday evening, Kuan invited Ying, Weichun, and me to her house and she cooked a French style dinner for us. She didn't make it on Saturday night to joing Ying's birthday party because she went to a concert. Lily and Fred was there also, we have a great dinner, and we were all talking in English. I did the quater to soda can trick for them. After the dinner, before going home, we went to Ted's house to get the fish's food, and we also visit the new 4 neighbors, that is the Physics 4. It was fun that one department, the "Theory Home" was much cleaner than the "Experiment Home". We all had a good laugh at such contrast.

Martin Nash's Lecture

Martin Nash, the charming cheat, held a Farewell lecture. I was lucky enough to join. To my surprising, there were not much people attended. He was awesome, when you watch him performs, you see an elegant move and Martin have reasons for all of them. "You should do this becuase...", I learned a lot. He was saying, one should add one's own personality to the performing. How to deal with such and such. For example, what to do when you need to mosit your hands.

Ying's Birthday

It was Saturday. I asked our friends to go to the Tofu house together. There were about sixteen people came. By the way, Richard and the other three in "physics 4" moved to Willow Lake today. We have an bigger and bigger neighborhood now, which I consider to be great. After the dinner, they all come to Ying's house to have the cake and games. It was fun. Tzung-lin Wu and Yu played four card to24 game. They are both fast at that. I and Lin-pei was also in the game. Ying got many gifts. I think she is happy. The birthday gift I gave her was two DVDs: Before Sun rise/set. They were the first moving we had together. I remember that time I lived in GLC and we were nother together at that time. I am so glad to have her.

MJ Friday night

After the night market, we went home to settle the goldfishes and went to Yu and JiaHong's house. On our way there, Ying drove and there was such a big raing. I never see this srong rain, the drop of rain was so big, I felt it was going to break my windshield. I joined the second round of the MJ game playing with KJ, TaiMing, Yu. KJ was the winner of night, the the two rounds he played, he won both and accumulating 16 dollars, I won too, yeah, 12 dollars. TaiMing lose today, I think this is first time he lost this much. It was fun to see people's reaction about winning and losing. Of course, all the money end in entering the fund we share :)

Night Market at GT

At Friday night, TASA an Taiwanese undergrad student association held a "Night Margket". To ur disappointment, there were not much food as it is in Taiwan, but there were a lot of games like netting goldfish, dart,...etc. The tickets was .50 each for most of the games. We end winning three gold fishes and several small items. Richard and Tsao Yu was there, they were doing this "Jeopardy" game, which is a riddle game with question in History, Geography,...etc. If you accumulate enough point, you can smash a pie onto one of the girls' faces. They won however Richard, instead of smash it to the girls, he smash the whipped creams to Yu. I was a fun night, we also appreciate the performance of Kong-Fu, diabolo,.... and most of the friends were there. It was great. And it was until this night we realize there are this many Taiwanese in this area.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My first IBM meeting

In the evening of Monday, I went to Allstar at Roswell Mall to join a IBM meeting. This is my first there, and the program for the night is a close-up contest. There were seven magicians, they are all from Georgia and some of they are pretty good. But you can tell some of them seem to be nervous. I talk to many people, it feels good to know a lot of people who like magic. I am planning to go the Martin Nash's lecture on Sunday.

Tsao Yu hurt his eye

After coming back from stone-mountain on Sunday, I went to CRC to play basketball with Taiwanese students. When playing, suddenly, Steve's hand hit Yu's face. The glasses shattered right in front of his eye. It was blood everywhere on his face. We call the emergency and they call the police and ambulance. The guy on ambulance gave Yu a preliminary check and asked us to go to the hospital by ourselves. It turned out to be fine. However, it was very horrible and we all worried very much.

Sunset at Stone Mountain

Sunday.Together with Ying and Weichun, I went to the stone-mountain park around 5 o'clock, we climb up to appreciate the beautiful sunset.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

TSA ping-pong festival

TSA held a ping-pong intramural. It was another afternoon full of fun. The climax was the man's final, Tzung-Lin v.s Huang. We adopted two lost rule. Tzung-Lin lost to Huang then went to the "lost" portion. finally they meet in the final. Tzung-Lin won the game and made both of their record to one lost. The final game than held. 11-points. and the one who win two games get the championship. Each of them won one of the first two games. The last one, Huang finally won with close scores. Did I join the games. Yes, I lost all my games except the one with Ying against Tai-Ming and Yi-Han. Ha Ha, thanks to them.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Meet Joe Turner at Norcross Station Cafe

I have read about Joe Turner doing round table at Norcross Station Cafe on IBM Ring9's webpage for a while. Yesterday (Friday), we went there for the first time. I was a big restaurant located at Norcross Downtown. When entering the downtown area of Norcross, I felt very different from the atomosphere of Atlanta City. It was like a small town like Holland. Norcross Station was a train station, but trains, though still passing by, no longer stop. The food there was all traditional american food, that is, all fried! Joe stopped by and did 3 tricks. One is having his ring taken off then jump back to his finger at once. And the other two are card tricks.

Lily's Belly dance presentation.

On Thursday evening, Georgia Tech held a evening show "Dance Tech" presented by various dacing societies within Tech, including Belly dance, Ballroom dance, Indian...etc. Lily has taken belly dance for two semesters. To our surprise, all the dancers are plump but Lily. Besides group dancing, their instructor, still a senior undergrad, presented a one-woman show. She put a long knife on her head, balanced, and do all those acrobatic motions without dropping the knife. It was amazing. Ying likes Jazz hiphop. Her teacher last semester also joined the show. I encourage her to continue involving in this.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Lin Pei's Birthday

In the late evening of Sunday, we have a birthday party for Lin Pei in Richard's house. We had cake together. It was quite relaxing. Ying was sick. Headache. I bought some Theraflu Drinks for her. Hope she get well soon.

Dogwood festival 2006

We went to the Dogwood last year, and I was amazed by a artist's work. The artist's name was
Bruce Holwerda, I remember he was selling a work named "walking the dog" last year priced at 300 or so. I thought about this picture very much in the past year. So when yao-sheng told us about the artist is having a booth again. I was very excited. To my surprise. The have that same picture in a cheaper version this year($90). I bought it and am planning to frame it:) He has a similar work this year and I love it too. We see a lot more good art works from many artists. I also like the work of Tardy, and Ying liked John S Gibb, who draw with pencil. One can never imagine a pencil work could be detailed like this. She especially likes the wavelet.

Steven's Party

On Saturday evening, we went to Steven's house. He has a nice house decorated with stuffs he brought back from all places he traveled. He has this hand craft sculpture of a boat made of fish bone from Taiwan. He invited many people, most of them are from asia I guess. There are several elder girls from Taiwan. And oh-my-god, Taiwanese really can drink!

TSA basketball festival

The TSA president Richard held a basketball game on Saturday. There are 3-on-3, 3-point, free-throw games. I played in the team of YoYo, Berry, Ted, and Tony Wu. We won one game against ESL students. Some of the members in the opponent team played the game quite brutally. I was pissed off. I really need to discipline my temper more. Well, I joined the 3-point game as well, my score was 1 out of 10, that's embrassing.....Ying made 2 out f 10 in the girls' free-throw game.

I saw Ice Age2 again

On Friday, 4/7, we saw Ice Age for another time in the theater. This time we see it with Jiahung, Tiaming, and yihan at Atlantic station.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Dribble more Ang!

I played basketball with steven again this evening, he invited us to his part to be held on Saturday. Steven is a nice guy. He encouraged me to dribble more. That is quite true. I need to practice my dribble more.

Firefox Search plugin

Yesterday I spent the whole evening trying to figure out how to write search plugin for firefox. The reason was I have always wanted to write one for the DDTS bug search engine used in the company thus we don't need to go to the certain page and login and click on a link and keyin the bug number in a specific text field. It was not difficult and was fun.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Ethiopian Food with Steven

On Thursday, I played basketball with Steven in the evening. I asked his advice about phone interview. He gave me good advices. And I scored well in the games. I win all 3 I played. After the games, it was 9:00pm already. We went to a Ethiopian place close to Ying's house. It is my and Ying's first time to have Ethiopian food. It is special. They put all the foods on top of a layer of waffle(?) on a wide basket. the basket is lower than the chair you sit. And there are severl rolls of waffle(?) put aside. To eat, you need peel a piece of waffle and use it to grab some food. The food are mostly meat and vegetable BBQ. It was great food.

Crazy people

I saw this movie clip by following a link on Luxo. It is very inspiring to me. Here is the Poem:

Here's to the Crazy Ones!
The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can quote them, disagree with them,
glorify or vilify them.
But the only thing you can't do is ignore them.

Because they change things.
They push the human race forward. And while some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. "Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

Friday, March 31, 2006

Ice Age 2

Blue Sky's animated film - ICE AGE came to the theater today. Together with Ying and Weichun, we see it at Atlanta Station. The movie is excellent, period. You definitely must go to the theather to see it and laugh to tears with all the other audience. I give it five stars.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Speal is going to get married

I got this mail on ptt2 from Speal saying that she is going to get married. It was such a big surprise. Congratulations, Speal.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Finally I bought a Mac

After the phone interview with Pixar, I determined to learn Cocoa and Objective-C. Together with Ying, I went to Lenox Square and bought a new Mac mini and is currently using it. I also bought a mouse, keyboard and a 20" monitor. That is a lot of money... This is my first time using a Mac, everything is new to me. Mac has been known for being good to use, good HCI design. Well, sometimes it is still frustrating, many things are different, and I don't know any short-cut key. This makes me understand what kind of situation my mother bumped into when she first came across a computer. No wonder many people call themselve 'computer idiot'.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Basketball with YoYo

Planned to play beach volleyball on a windy Sunday afternoon, we (YoYo, KJ, Berrie, Jeng-Fang, Kevin) turned out to have no 'ball' since the borrowed ball from CRC could not be taken outside. We thus turned to the basketball court. After playing two to three hours, YoYo invited us to his department and gave us some souvenir which he brought back from his New York trip during the spring break. I picked a key chain with Time Square picture. Ying picked a golden apple of new york famous spots. I have this talk with Berry about the classes to take in fall. It seems to take OS is not a good idea. And we talked more about the software industry in both Taiwan and USA. It was a long discussion, after that I know more about the working environments and think I need to consider more about my plan of the near future.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

John Cornelius's Fickle Nickel

I watched John Cornelius's Fickle Nickel on Michael Ammar's DVD classic renditions vol 2. In my opinion it is the only valuable part of the work. It was truely a beautiful trick! Quote from the description of this trick: When John Cornelius fist showed this at a convention it fooled every including Dai Vernon. The best thing about the Fickle Nickle is that it is done without sleight of hand!

Japanese Restaurant

Planning to go the Norcross Station to have a dinner with local magician Joe M Turner originally, we (Ying, Weichun) were sorry to hear that he was out of town and won't be back until April. So Ying suggested to try this Japanese restaurant on the way from Ying's house to the school. It is a high class restaurant with valet parking. The food was also very good. We have seaweed salad, grilled cod, two teriyaki plate a seafood pot. We also have ginger and green tea ice cream as well. We all like Japanese food in that you won't get too full and feel very comfortable after it since it is healthy. The only 'wet blanket' is the number on the check, it was about 25 per person. Well, it's weekend, let's just treat it as a reward of the past week :-P

Tap dancing young girl

Together with a big group of friends, we went to the Cherry Blossom Festival in Conyer GA. There are lots of booths selling handcrafts, artwork and snacks. Though it was windy, there was also several stages with performance of costumed dancers bringing dance from various countries. The most impressive one was a tap dancing of a group of about 10 young girls. The youngest looks only 3 or 4 years old. Most of them are pretty shy as most of the kids will do. They looks like a club of the local elementary school. However, there was one girl who looks like the leader of all, but not the oldest. She was great! She seems to be really involved, enjoyed in the dancing and happy about it. She always have a big smile and her dancing was great. Watching this carefree young girl taping, you can't resist to put a smile on to your own face and want dance with her together. I will remember this and remind myself all the time to be such a kid, such a leader who brings happy to others and always enjoy what I am doing.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hat upside down

Hi, this is Ang's blog - Hat Upside down. When you see a hat being put upside-down, what would you expect the magician to pull out from it?